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Sunday, 01 March 2015 13:08

My Love Has Two Faces

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My love has two faces
One false one true.
My love has two faces
Which one is you?

The first night
A warm light
Flickered in your eyes.
The first time you held me
Summer filled my heart.
The first kiss you gave me
Woke a sleeping dream
And I began to scheme
How we would never part.

But love has two faces
One false one true.
Which face are you wearing?
I wish I knew.

Oh, last night
A cold light
Shivered in your glance.
Yes last night
Your cold eyes
Started sudden fear.
That moment my heart felt
Winters icy kiss.
Did I imagine this,
Or can the end be near?

My love has two faces
One false one true.
One lies and one loves me
Which one is you?

Which one is you?

Music John Barry
Lyrics by Jack Lawrence
Performed by Shirley Bassey

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