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Sunday, 01 March 2015 13:19

An Offertory Chant

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Ab inimicis nostris defende nos, Christe.
Afflictionam nostram benignus vide.
Dolorem cordis nostri respice, clemens.
Peccata populi tui Deus indulge.
Ab inimicis nostris defende nos, Christe.
Afflictionam nostram benignus vide.
Peccata populi tui Deus indulge.
Ab inimicis nostris defende nos, Christe.
Afflictionam nostram benignus vide.

English Translation:

From our enemies defend us,
O Christ.
Look kindly on our affliction.
Look on the pain in our hearts,
O merciful one.
God, forgive the sins of your people.

From the Silva release booklet

Music John Barry
Latin text research Denis Stevens

Read 79462 times
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