Reply Ron Grainer to Geoff Lovell Reply Ron Grainer to Geoff Lovell Reply Ron Grainer to Geoff Lovell

In 1980 film buff Gerald Lovell wrote to Ron, enclosing a list of what he believed to be a definitive list of his film and TV scores to date, and asking him several questions about his career.

We don't know precisely what questions were asked, but they can be guessed from Ron's replies. They begin with a reference to Doctor Who, and Ron's replies are extremely illuminating!


Ron, back row, third from right
Ron in back row, third from right
Ron with violin
Ron with violin


newspaper scan from the
Cairns Post 2 January 1935 (one article)

Submitted by Mr Terry Fisk: - Apology for the quality of the photo that heads this microfilmed article. The photo appears to have been taken at the same time as the "Ron With Violin"


Ron with violin
Ron with violin

Ron in uniform


Ron and Don Scott
Ron and Don Scott
Ron, Jenny and D1
Ron, Jenny and D1


Australian Music Examination Board

Ron at the piano


  Ron in Portugal ca. 1971 working with
the Portuguese water boring engineers.
(photo Marc Brierley)
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