
Sunday, 01 March 2015 13:05

I Love My Love

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I love my love with an "L" that stands for longing
An "L" that once stood for loneliness now stands for lovers lane
And the lake we came to often
And the light through the tress of the moon on the lake and the laughter

In the long long hours that my love is left all alone to sing its song in
I love my love with an "L" that stands for longing

I love my love with an "O" for overpowering
An "O" that once stood for out of bounds now is the overture
Of romantic times and places
For our love seems to be like a tree growing in an oasis

And the sun breaks through and the trees will bloom, the blossoms all start flowering
I love my love with an "O" for overpowering

I love my love with a "V" for very dearly
A "V" that once stood for all in vain now stands for valentine
In a world that's vastly sweeter
For her kiss verifies all the joy in her eyes when I meet her

Life begins anew, it's a differwent view not a vision seen unclearly
I love my love with a "V" for very dearly

I love my love with an "E" for every minute
An "E" that once stood for emptiness now stands for everywhere
That we've ever been together
And the eager embrace that's eternally ours and forever

For a romance will make your life stand still from the moment you begin it
I love my love with an "E" for every minute
I love my love with an "L" for longing, overpowering, very dearly, "E" for every minute of the day
And my love loves me in exactly the same sort of way

John Barry
Trever Peacock
Sung by Jeremy Clyde

Read 84486 times

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