

From Silents to Satellite - Articles scanned from the filmmusic magazine

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The following are various scans of a series of articles and interviews with John Barry, as published in John Williams' "From Silents to Satellite" magazine.

Bryan Forbes
on John Barry

John Barry - For the Record
by David Toop


John Barry - Writing the Bond Music
Dick Tatham, Showtime magazine, 1965

John Barry The Early Years
by Geoff Leonard and Pete Walker


John Barry
by Gareth Bramley

John Barry's Television Scores -
An Overview, by Jon Burlingame


Les Reed on John Barry
Couple of things about the John Glen interview. His memory of the JB7 playing at the local town hall when he was doing his national service, is faulty. Glen's national service was from 1950-52, finishing five years before the JB7 was formed! The story about Vic Flick's cracked guitar is also wrong, though Vic believes it was editor Peter Hunt who started this story, so Glen probably believed it to be true ....
John Glen on John Barry


Leslie Bricusse on John Barry
Read 75035 times Last modified on Monday, 11 April 2016 10:41

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